Supreme Court Rule 202 governs special admissions to the Virgin Islands Bar. All attorneys specially admitted under this Rule are at all times subject to the direction and control of the moving instrumentality, department or agency. In accordance with the Rule 202(a), any person employed or about to be employed as an attorney by the Government of the Virgin Islands, its branches, departments, agencies and instrumentalities, the United States, Legal Services of the Virgin Islands, Disability Rights Center of the Virgin Islands or VIVA for Children, Inc., may be admitted specially without written examination and only for the purposes of such employment. Upon application as required pursuant to, said applicant may be admitted provided that the Supreme Court determines that the person meets the qualifications of regular active admission except for having passed the Virgin Islands Bar examination; and is (1) admitted to practice in the highest court of a state, the District of Columbia or a commonwealth, territory or possession of the United States and (2) is otherwise professionally, morally and ethically qualified for admission to the Bar of the Virgin Islands and the admission of such person would be in the best interest of the Territory. In accordance with Supreme Court Rule 202(b), in every case, the burden shall be upon the person seeking admission pursuant to this rule to establish to the satisfaction of the court his or her qualifications for admission. In accordance with Rule 202(c), the moving agency or instrumentality is required to immediately notify the Court of the termination of the attorney's employment.

Qualifications for Special Admission

In accordance with Rule 202(b), the following are necessary for the Court's consideration of an Application for Special Admission:

  • An Application by motion by the hiring authority
  • Applicant's declaration demonstrating his or her qualifications for admission
  • Current Certificates of Good Standing bearing the original seal of the highest court from each jurisdiction to which he or she is admitted. (A Certificate of Good Standing from a bar association in and of itself is not sufficient for a Special Admission.)
  • A Dean Certification Form evidencing compliance with V.I.SC.T R. 202(b)
  • An Official Transcript issued directly to the Director of Bar Admissions from the law school where the attorney seeking special admissions received their JurisDoctorate Degree.

Applicants for Special admission must satisfy the same education and fitness requirements as any other applicant seeking permanent regular active admission to the Virgin Islands Bar. Please note that the Court requires the submission of such other information as might be deemed necessary to satisfy itself as to the attorney's fitness to practice specifically before the courts of the Virgin Islands.

The Term of a Specially Admitted Attorney

In accordance with Supreme Court Rule 202(d), the term of a specially admitted attorney shall expire after two (2) years unless the specially admitted attorney takes the required portions of the Virgin Islands Bar Examination within that time and will, in any event, expire no later than three (3) years after the date of such special admission.

An Attorney serving as a specially admitted attorney on the effective date of Supreme Court Rule 202, who was specially admitted under prior versions of this rule, or under any previous provision of Virgin Islands law allowing the special admission of government attorneys shall refer to Supreme Court Rule 202(e) for additional information governing the term of their admission.

Pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 202(c) a special admission automatically terminates when the individual who has been specially admitted pursuant to said rule: ceases to be employed by the petitioning agency or instrumentality or fails to remain in good standing in each jurisdiction of admission, or as provided in the Court's Rule.

The Court may terminate any special admission for cause or in the interest of justice, consistent with due process.

Classification of Specially Admitted Attorneys

A person specially admitted under this Rule shall be classified as an active member of the Bar of the Virgin Islands in accordance with Rule 202(c), with all the responsibilities and privileges thereof, but shall not be considered a regular member of the Virgin Islands Bar or hold himself out as such. The moving agency in accordance with the Court's Rule is required to immediately notify the Court of the termination of the attorney's employment.

An attorney specially admitted shall not hold himself out as a regular member of the Virgin Islands Bar, and must promptly notify the Court in writing of the termination of the employment upon which the special admission was based.

Upon receipt of said notification, the Court shall enter an order vacating the special admission, provided however, that the Court may also terminate any special admission for cause or in the interests of justice and consistent with due process.

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Rules of the Supreme Court
Supreme Court Rule 201 to 208
Virgin Islands Bar Association


Hours:8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Elsie-Mae King
Director of Bar Admissions

Phone: 340.774.2237
Fax: 340.774.2258

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 590
St. Thomas, VI 00804

Physical Address
No. 161B Crown Bay
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, VI 00802