006/2025 | RFQ | TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL SERVICES | The Judiciary of the U.S. Virgin Islands is seeking quotes from qualified contractors that are interested in providing the Judiciary with tree trimming and disposal services. The Judiciary is issuing this RFQ for the trees located at Kings Quarter, St. Thomas Virgin Islands better known as bay side panyard for the Rising Stars Steel Orchestra. | St. Thomas/St. Johns | 2025/02/27 | 2025/03/27 |
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IFB001/2025 | IFB | DELIVERY OF OFFICE AND JANITORIAL SUPPLIES | The Judicial Branch Administrative Office requests sealed Bids for the purchase and delivery of office and janitorial supplies for the Judiciary territory wide. | St. Thomas/St. Johns / St. Croix | 2025/01/23 | 2025/02/21 |
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005/2025 | RFQ | JANITORIAL CLEANING SERVICES NORRE GADE #19 | The Judiciary of the U.S. Virgin Islands is seeking quotes to provide janitorial cleaning services to the office of Conflict Counsel located at #19 Norre Gade, St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands. The services are to be provided once a week for two (2) years commencing January 2025 through December 2026. The winning proposer will be required to enter into a two-year contract for services. The office space is comprised of 675 square feet. All cleaning services are to be performed between the hours of 4-5 p.m. or at an agreed time between the selected vendor and the judiciary. | St. Thomas/St. Johns | 2024/12/24 | 2024/12/30 |
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004/2025 | RFQ | Pest Control Services OCC STX | The Judiciary of the U.S. Virgin Islands is seeking quotes for pest control services for the Office of Conflict Counsel, located at #39 A Prince Street, Frederiksted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The selected contractor will provide comprehensive extermination services, which will include, but are not limited to, the periodic eradication of rats, mice, roaches, ants, spiders, and other crawling insects and pests within the Office of Conflict Counsel facility. | St. Croix | 2024/12/11 | 2024/12/18 |
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003/2025 | RFQ | Janitorial Services for the Office of Conflict Counsel St. Croix | The Judiciary of the U.S. Virgin Islands is seeking quotes for janitorial cleaning services for the Office of Conflict Counsel, located at #39 A Prince Street, Frederiksted, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The services are to be provided once a week for two (2) years, commencing January 2025 through December 2026. | St. Croix | 2024/12/11 | 2024/12/18 |
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002/2025 | RFQ | PREVENTATIVE PEST CONTROL NORRE GADE #19 | The Judiciary of the U.S. Virgin Islands is seeking quotes to provide preventative pest control for the office of Conflict Counsel located at #19 Norre Gade, St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands. The services are to be provided Monthly beginning in January 2025 through December 2026. The winning proposer will be required to enter into a two-year contract for services. The office space is comprised of 675 square feet. All pest control services are to be performed between the hours of 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. or at an agreed time between the selected vendor and the judiciary.
| St. Thomas/St. Johns | 2024/12/11 | 2024/12/18 |
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001/2025 | RFQ | JANITORIAL CLEANING SERVICES NORRE GADE #19 | The Judiciary of the U.S. Virgin Islands is seeking quotes to provide janitorial cleaning services to the office of Conflict Counsel located at #19 Norre Gade, St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands. The services are to be provided once a week for two (2) years commencing January 2025 through December 2026. The winning proposer will be required to enter into a two-year contract for services. The office space is comprised of 675 square feet. All cleaning services are to be performed between the hours of 4-5 p.m. or at an agreed time between the selected vendor and the judiciary.
| St. Thomas/St. Johns | 2024/12/11 | 2024/12/18 |
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004/2024 | RFP | Air Conditioning Replacement Project at Rising Stars Facility on St. Thomas Virgin Islands | The Judiciary of the U.S. Virgin Islands (“The Judiciary”), through its Judicial Branch Administrative Office, invites the submission of Proposals from licensed HVAC specialist and/or general contractors to provide an analysis of the air conditioning units at the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands’ Rising Stars Panyard located at the Barbel Plaza South, St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands. | St. Thomas/St. Johns | 2024/08/27 | 2024/09/20 |
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RFQ NO. 001/2024 | RFQ | Water Pressure System Replacement | Water Pressure System Replacement for Superior Court of the Virgin Islands located at Alexander A. Farrelly Justice Center. No. 5400 Veteran’s Drive St. Thomas, Virgin Islands.
| St. Thomas/St. Johns | 2023/12/08 | 2023/12/22 |
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RFP NO. 003/2023 | RFP | Owner Representative Services | The Judiciary of the U.S. Virgin Islands (“The Judiciary”), acting through its Office of the Administrator of Courts, invites the submission of Proposals for Owner’s Representative to represent the Judiciary’s interest with its capital projects. | | 2023/09/29 | 2023/10/26 |
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004/2023 | RFP | Roof Replacement and Office Expansion Project - Phase II | The Judiciary of the U.S. Virgin Islands Office of the Administrator of Courts seeks the services of qualified licensed construction contractors to provide all labor, materials, equipment and services necessary to complete the roof removal and replacement at the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands located at R.H. Amphlett Leader Justice Complex RR1 9000 Kingshill St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. | St. Croix | 2023/09/29 | 2023/11/29 |
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008/2023 | IFB | Commercial Grade Laminate Floor Tiles | The Judicial Branch Administrative Office requests sealed bids for purchasing and installing commercial-grade laminate floor tiles in various offices at the Superior Court located at the R.H Amphlett Leader Justice Complex on St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands.
| St. Croix | 2023/07/21 | 2023/07/28 |
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RFP No. 002/2023 | RFP | Design-Build Services | The Judiciary of the U.S. Virgin Islands Office (“The Judiciary”) through the Judicial Branch Administrative Office (“JBAO”) submits this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to solicit design-build proposals from licensed Architectural Engineering firms registered in the Virgin Islands that are interested in contracting with the Judiciary to serve as the design-builder for interior design of rental space located at #41 Subbase St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands which is more particularly described in the Scope of Work therein. | ST. THOMAS/ST. JOHN | 2023/07/17 | 2023/08/25 |
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