Judicial Branch Management Advisory Council
The Virgin Islands Judicial Management Advisory Council (the “Advisory Council”) is established by the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands pursuant to its inherent authority and the authority granted to it by section 21(c) of the Revised Organic Act of 1954, as amended, and title 4, section 5(a) of the Virgin Islands Code, for the purpose of providing advice to the Chief Justice of the Virgin Islands, the Supreme Court, the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands, and the Administrative Office of Courts in order to enhance the administration of the Virgin Islands court system.
JMAC is a five-member council and consists of the Chief Justice, two Associate Justices, the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court, another Judge of the Superior Court and a Magistrate Judge of the Magistrate Division of the Superior Court. The Chief Justice serves as the Chairperson of the council, and all judicial officers are ex officio members of the Advisory Council. The Administrator of Courts in also an ex officio member and serves as the Council’s Secretary. The members of the Council are as follows:
The members of the Council are as follows:
• Hon. Rhys S. Hodge, Chairperson
• Hon. Maria M. Cabret, Associate Justice
• Hon. Ive Arlington Swan, Associate Justice
• Hon. Debra S. Watlington Presiding Judge of the Superior Court
• Hon. Kathleen Y. Mackay, Judge of the Superior Court