Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands
Hon. Rhys S. Hodge
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands
Hon. Maria M. Cabret Hon. Ive Arlington Swan
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands   
 Hon. Harold W.L. Willocks  
Presiding Judge of the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands
Hon. Debra S. Watlington

 Judges of the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands
Hon. Denise M. Francois, Judge Hon. Ernest E. Morris, Jr.
Hon. Carol Thomas-Jacobs, Judge Hon. Douglas A. Brady, Judge
Hon. Kathleen Y. Mackay, Judge Hon. Yvette Ross-Edwards, Judge
Hon. Sigrid M. Tejo, Judge Hon. Jessica Gallivan, Judge
  Hon. Alphonso G. Andrews Jr., Judge
Administrative Judge

Magistrate Judges of the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands
Hon. Paula D. Norkaitis Hon. Simone VanHolten-Turnbull
Hon. Venetia H. Velazquez Hon. Yolan Brow Ross
Administrator of Courts Assistant Administrator of Courts
Regina deChabert Petersen Miguel Tricoche
Paul Gimenez, Esq., General Counsel Tanisha Bailey-Roka, Chief Disciplinary Counsel
Paulette Rabsatt-Simmonds, Chief Financial Officer Daria Scott, Court Services Administrator
Natalie Thomas-Pickering, Procurement Director Koya S. Ottley, Chief Human Capital Officer
Director of Bar Admissions,
Janelle Browne
Lawrence A. Walcott, Chief Marshal
Charmaine P. Daley-Jeffers, Chief Probation Officer & Interstate Compact Administrator
Clerk of the Supreme Court of the Virgin Islands Clerk of the Superior Court of the Virgin Islands
Veronica J. Handy, Esquire Tamara Charles

Chief Deputy Clerk

Elizabeth David (STT)
Roxanne Serrano (STX)