In accordance with Supreme Court Rule 201(a), an Attorney who is not regularly or specially admitted to practice law in the Virgin Islands may be specially admitted, Pro Hac Vice. This requires a motion of an attorney who is regularly admitted to practice in the Virgin Islands.
Qualifications for Pro Hac Vice Admission
The following is necessary for the Court's consideration of Pro Hac Vice Petition:
- The attorney making the motion before the Court must be regularly admitted to practice in the Virgin Islands, an active member in good standing in the Virgin Islands Bar.
- The attorney seeking pro hac vice admission must be currently in good standing as an active member of the bar of any state or territory of the United States or of any foreign country.
- Current Certificates of Good Standing bearing the original seal of the highest court from each jurisdiction to which he or she is admitted. (Letter validating membership from a bar association in and of itself is not sufficient.)
- The attorney seeking pro hac vice admission can not have suffered any disbarment or suspension of his or her license to practice in any jurisdiction.
- The attorney seeking pro hac vice admission must have been retained or requested to represent any party in any legal matter in the Virgin Islands.
- All appropriate membership dues and licensing fees must be paid for the attorney seeking pro hac vice admission prior to the granting of the Petition for pro hac vice admission.
Please note that pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 201(a)(4), all attorneys who are granted Pro Hac Vice admissions to the Virgin Islands Bar must adhere to the grievance procedures established for the Virgin Islands Bar and shall be subject to the disciplinary and contempt jurisdiction of this Court in the course of practice during their Pro Hac Vice admission, whether such disciplinary action is taken before or after termination or revocation of their admission Pro Hac Vice.

Hours:8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Elsie-Mae King
Director of Bar Admissions
Phone: 340.774.2237
Fax: 340.774.2258
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 590
St. Thomas, VI 00804
Physical Address
No. 161B Crown Bay
Charlotte Amalie,St. Thomas, VI 00802